General Reference to Water Protection in City Plan Becomes Controversial. Because Developers. | The Daily | San Antonio Current
With council set to debate and vote on the new plan next week, one minor conflict has emerged over general language that deals with some of the city's basic sustainability measures, like ensuring groundwater protection. And that appears to be because at least some real estate and development interests have threatened to withdraw support for a plan that includes even a general blurb on the city’s so-called impervious cover rules, which are meant to limit dense development where it could make flooding or water quality worse.
As the Express-News noted last week, to the surprise of many, the plan lost an item that mentioned the city's impervious cover rule on its trip through the city's Planning Commission. The plan also lost a section on the city's "dark skies" ordinance meant to combat light pollution, particularly around San Antonio's military bases. According to the E-N, opposition came from people like Brian Biggs with the Real Estate Council of San Antonio.