The days of a false choice between environmental protection and economic growth are over. Sustainability deployed with regenerative practices and eco-positive solutions creates holistic, long-term wealth and improved health.

Sustainable San Antonio is a Partner and Member driven collaborative with a mission to create a Green Business Network for our metropolitan area and beyond.

With everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently, innovating, and creating a more prosperous future by getting involved to be the change and lead the change.

If you are the kind of person who thinks differently and wants to have more control over the everyday aspects of your life, we believe sustainability is for you. Because the same is still true today as it has been throughout all history: the status quo does not get destroyed but is replaced by people creating something new.

Through finding an enlightened self-interest, everyone will come to see how sustainability provides a more resilient, livable world for ourselves, our children, and generations to come.

Join our newsletter to stay up to date with what's happening and receive special offers from our Members.We believe sustainable practices are part of the natural laws of nature, economics, and society. And when authentically practiced will create worldwide climate wealth that provides a healthier and more profitable existence for all.

Get Involved with Sustainable San AntonioPlease explore our site to learn why we believe sustainability is for everyone and see why it’s crucial to everyone’s present and future and what it means and requires to be sustainable.

In a spirit to facilitate discussion and answer questions about sustainability, Sustainable San Antonio, has been produced to serve as a community platform to disseminate information and educate ourselves about the benefits of building a stronger and more resilient society.

Our goal is to bring together the general public, researchers, policymakers, and subject matter experts so we all may better understand what we can do to have a ubiquitous lifestyle of sustainability that builds prosperity, profitability, and return on investment.

We look forward to working with community members to demonstrate how sustainable products, services, and practices produce a thriving circular economy, viable society, and healthful environment for San Antonio and our global community.

 Strong vs Weak Sustainability

Please get involved, and join us in this effort as we encourage you to share your ideas. Be it for energy efficiency, known as the Fifth Fuelintegrative design for clean, renewable whole-system energy solutions for homes and commercial properties in the world’s Third and Fourth Industrial Revolutions.

Explore our blogvideos, and the rest of our site to learn more about sustainability, how it works, and what part you can play in this transition to a new economy. Feel free to provide feedback about topics you would like to learn about or contribute expertise.

If you feel our mutual interests align, please reach out and connect with us through our online form or email us directly.

Whether one believes we have an existential threat or it’s nothing but a big hoax, creating long-term wealth and energy independence and leaving the world a better place for our families, businesses, and communities is beneficial to everyone.

ⒸEnvironmental Cartoons by Joel Pett

Here are some examples of how to use this site to build your own associations and relationships based around the following:

  • News & Information
  • Business & Organizations
  • Education, Discussion & Debate
  • Transportation, Building, Industry & Electricity
  • Consumers & Stakeholders
  • Events, Places & Spaces


Home — 6 Comments

  1. Great site–do the local engineers, architects, designers, and urban activists know of this site? Its chock-full of info! Keep up the good work, and put me on any email list for special events, etc.

    • Daniel, thank you for your kind words. Yes, at least some local engineers, architects, designers and urban activists know about this site but there can never be too many so please help us continue to spread the word. We’ll soon have a mailing list with special offers and events and will be adding you to our list. Again, thank you!

  2. Hello, just left the wordpress event here at tripoint and I ran into Mr. Steven Lane! What an awesome guy, gave some very good practical advice for a college student. Looking forward to possibly working with you all soon, in some sort of way to get my feet wet and in what better way than helping my community? I appreciate you guys. It was nice meeting you Steven! Thank You, peace and grace

    • Wow Jocelyn, thank you for your kind thoughts! I look forward to your involvement and working with our community. Sustainably yours, stlane

  3. Thanks Patti, sounds great! Am doing so right now, I appreciate your interest and input and look forward to finding synergies.

  4. Hi Steve.  I saw that you joined the group.  I am so pleased.  I hope we can get together to see how we can help San Antonio become more sustainable.  Please email me at your convenience so we talk a bit.  Patti